Thursday, June 2, 2011

Psychological Influences on Cancer

It is a marvelous thing that stub of research and clinical efforts have focused on the role of psychosocial support to cancer patients, namely those with a high level of distress resulting from the process of diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Psychosocial support component consists of informative, instrumental, emotional, Affirmation, and assessment. Studies conducted by Sandin and colleagues (de Groot, 2002) explains that women, especially in the case of breast cancer have more experience and feelings of fear and anxiety is greater. This fact is supported by other research. Colegrave et. al (2002, 303) explains that there is increased level of fear and depression in women with breast cancer cases, and even emotional distress level is reached on the clinical phase-pathologis.

Some other research also concluded that (Barnes et al., 2002) on the parents / adults are faced with diseases that threaten the life of chronic health conditions and found that experience fear (anxiety), depression (depression), and trouble - other emotional difficulties. Based on the results of this research, the women who have one diagnosis of cancer disease for many decisions that are difficult. The potential psychological distress, and if an actual jog directly with other factors such as how to give a description of the family members, especially children under the age of 21 years. There is a tendency for women to avoid the impression of children and the fear-fear. Situation such as this will only lead to patterns of communication that does not become more meaningful.

One explanation may be the causal assumptions of the problem while hipotetik-psychological problem caused by physical conditions chronic earlier is “the world’s sick people, emotions, He became king; mind busy by fear” (Goleman, 1997) . The emotional, so someone can be destroyed when exposed to pain, mental because most people are based on the illusion can not be sick. Sick, sick, especially heavy, destroying illusions, and the personal opinion of the world a safe and prosperous. Suddenly ago someone feel weak, it does not, powerless, vulnerable, and loss of mental strength. In the pain of cancer and other chronic pain that can not be understood in a cognitive-only scheme, but the problem becomes more complex when the system ignores the potential medical and emotional reaction to the patient. A lack of awareness on the emotional reality of the patient does not mean that evidence of an increasingly accumulate that indicates that the emotional state can play a role sometimes in very means to overcome the fear of disease and in the direction towards healing. Modern medical care often lose their intellect unduly emotional.

In 1974 (Goleman, 1997), a laboratory findings in the School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester, re-write the body’s biological map. Robert Ader, a psychology expert, found that the body’s immune system, such as the brain, capable of learning. The result is a surprising view of the applicable general medicine in the world (only the brain and central nervous system that is capable of responding to change with the experience of their behavior). Ader findings on the investigation of what was then known as the thousands of ways of communication between the central nervous system and immune system, the biological pathways that make the brain, emotions, and the body does not separate, but closely involved with it. Until Ader announced the surprising finding that, each expert medical anatomy, medical doctor, biologist and still be convinced with the conservative theory of the brain and the body’s immune system is a separate unit, with each other does not affect each other. That suspicion people during a century. For many years since the publication of findings that, finally appears on the new view of the relationship between the body’s immune system and central nervous system. Learn about the field of medical science psikoneuroimunologi is very important. It recognizes the existence of a relationship: psiko or mind; Neuro or neuroendokrin system (which includes the nervous system and hormone system); immunological or immune system. Thus, the potential emotional affairs in which the cancer disease has a fairly extensive scale.

Although many research results that show the influence of psychological condition of cancer patients experience distress (in this case, depression), Hann and colleagues (de Groot, 2002) revealed the findings of research in the scale large enough that cancer patients who always obtain social support was positively associated with reduced depression. As well as psychosocial support on a wide range of breast cancer. This support is enough to help repair the relationship with the health and quality of life for people with breast cancer. Even some of the literature states that the (de Groot, 2002) there is a consistent relationship between social support is low with a decrease in physical and mental health someone. Communication plays an important role in the formation of the confidence and the rigidity of a cancer. In the case of breast pain (Barnes et. Al., 2002), when the children be told about the suffering faced by the parents, in fact there is evidence that the level of care parents declined and communication in the family experienced a significant improvement.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Food To Overcome Hair Loss

Healthy hair is not always obtained with expensive treatment in the salon. Health research showed the healthy and shiny hair depends on the smoothness of blood circulation and nutrient intake. Hair health condition is also associated with a thyroid condition, liver and levels of stress. So, if you want to have beautiful hair also note nutrition.

Control your food intake. Many consume a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit, and reduce the consumption of fast food. Remember that nutrition is not only a positive impact on physical health but also makes skin and hair become more healthy oil. Eating fresh vegetables and fruit are also very effective to make the hair healthy and shiny.

Consumption also sulfur-containing foods such as onion, garlic, green vegetables and eggs. Sulfur, often called the "beauty mineral". Sulfur is commonly found in hair, skin and nails healthy, functioning to improve blood circulation.

Several theories sulfur can trigger hair growth even in a state already bald. Foods that contain lots of iodine and calcium, can also stimulate new hair growth. So, when you're a lot of hair falling out, consume milk and processed products, such as cheese and yogurt.

Reduce consumption of coffee and sweet foods can also make your hair healthier. Replace coffee with fresh juice or mineral water. Lack of water can make hair look dull and can lead to degradation of cells.

Fish Oil And Diabetes

We have all heard how fish oil is touted as being a great benefit to a healthy heart. But what does it mean for diabetics? Actually, there is more of a connection than you might think.

Type 2 diabetes often progresses to other complications such as heart disease or stroke. One of the main causes is cholesterol, or more importantly, LDL or "bad" cholesterol. Instead of heading to the liver, this cholesterol likes to stockpile in artery walls, which, in turn causes a disruption of blood flow. Since fish oil has been linked to lowering this cholesterol, it works towards a stronger, healthier heart. At the same time, it reduces LDL. Both are great side benefits for Type 2 diabetics; blood fat control and blood-thinning properties makes fish oil a real plus in treating people with heart disease, or in trying to prevent it. Cardiac benefits include:

  • reducing triglycerides and inflammation,
  • stabilizing the heart rhythm,
  • reducing the incidence of sudden cardiac death, and
  • reducing blood clots

Since Type 2 diabetes involves high blood sugar levels this is reflected by high triglycerides and low HDL, or "good" cholesterol. When insulin in the blood is not dealt with in the proper manner, diabetics suffer. Due to insulin resistance, fat and liver cells do not respond properly to insulin so fat levels in the blood rise. Thus, the cycle continues.

Fish oil not only does an amazing job of raising HDL and lowering LDL, but at the same time it is unknowingly providing substantial support against harmful effects of Type 2 diabetes. Anytime you can work to help your heart and your overall cardiovascular system you are providing a way of helping to monitor your diabetes also.

But fish oil is not only good for the heart, it also improves overall blood flow throughout the body. Moving blood means improved circulation, and bad or slow circulation is a prime side effect of diabetes. Plus, improved circulation means that nutrients and vitamins are being deposited more efficiently to the areas they need to go.

Fish oil also gives amazing help to the eyes. In fact, it is one of the better-known benefits, aside from being heart healthy. Since poor eyesight, blurred vision and other eye problems are complications associated with Type 2 diabetes, adding fish oil will naturally work to improve these areas. This includes a reduction in the progression of macular degeneration.

Another positive effect of fish oil is that it lowers blood pressure. Eliminating or preventing hypertension is, in itself, something that can not only make a Type 2 diabetic's life substantially better, but it can also literally eradicate the potential of developing other complications down the road.

From lowering blood pressure, to improving vision and circulation, creating a healthier heart and cardiovascular system and raising good cholesterol, fish oil is worth its weight in gold to diabetics.